Monday, January 16, 2006

The Day after

I'm a little sore this morning and there's a new pain in my foot. But's it's a different foot, and a different place on my foot, so I'm not too worried about it. It'll probably be okay in a few days.

I think the walking took more of a toll than the running yesterday. I walked about 10 extra miles after the race, backwards along the course. I saw most of the bloggers and many of the club members from CLFC. I had intended to walk back to where the CLFC tent was, around mile 21-22, and I was hoping to catch a ride back to my car, but I never found them and had to walk all the way back too. I guess I won't whine too much, because other people were working a lot harder than me yesterday.

I'm all pumped up right now, so I registered for the Surfside Half Marathon today. I think Holden's registered, and maybe Edwin too. I should probably go ahead and register for the Seabrook Lucky Trails Marathon too. Yeah, I probably should. Okay, I just did (several moments have passed from the last sentence to this one). Uh-Oh. No turning back now.

Anyhow, the club had a recap lunch at Skeeters, and there was a pretty good turnout, and everyone was showing off their marathon/halfmarathon medals. A couple of people even ran an additional 14-18 miles this morning in preparation for the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler. I still think it's amazing when you ask someone when their race is and they say February third and fourth.

Rest on.

1 comment:

Woodlands Runner said...

I'll see you at the Surfside. I'm doing the half. I've never ran on a beach so this will be a cool experience.