Saturday, January 21, 2006

15 miles or so

I should quit pretending like I'm going to get up and run early in the morning. I finally got up at about 10:00, and kicked around the house a bit, and made it out to run around 1:00 PM. I can get away with this lack of discipline while the weather is nice and cool. The club did have an informal run this morning, but they were only doing 6, and I wanted to get a longer run in. Again, I'm out of sync with everybody, just like I was when the marathon program started, because I was training for NYC which was a couple months earlier than their marathon.

This 15 miler was pretty difficult, much more difficult than it should be if I'm going to run a full marathon in just 8 weeks. I even had to take some walk breaks for the last 4 miles. I ran down Nasa Road 1 and over the bridge, and down through Kemah, and back, with an extra couple miles around the Seabrook trails.

I figured out that when I'm running straight, and on flat ground, I feel pretty good. But uneven ground and even a slight camber of the road brings out all the familiar aches and pains.

I hope everyone is recovering well from their race.
Rest on.

1 comment:

Tiggs said...

dude, 15 miles! I only rode my bike 12 and I felt tired! LOL!!! good job!